Sunday, 15 February 2015

After 3 years, its so good to get some feedback!

Whats's happening at The Forge? Well we have recently received some amazing images of a job we completed in Dubai, below is a sample:

These are filligree doors to the customer's wine cellar, red on the left, white on the right. All in all we spent three and a half years on this project and I am very pleased with the finished result. We made eighty four window grilles in forged fig and seed pod design, 2 x 4m diameter domes for the roofs of the towers, many sets of doors and the crowning glory were the main entrance doors forged from solid bronze, along with a matching 3m square window.

This image looks up into the tower to the dome at the top.

Main entrance doors

Just a small sample of the work done which included staircases and many square metres of balustrading.

Next post will be about our historic forge and a new beautiful woodland forge we are setting up for courses!